Games Counter-Strike: Global Offensive All reviews Review from Trum_P

In my opinion, everyone already knows what Counter-Strike is and what they eat it with. But I have my own opinion about this project:

1. First and most important - for me personally, this is the most nerve-wracking game I have ever encountered (sometimes even worse than Dota 2).

2. Despite the first and most important thing, you are drawn into a swamp, because you see imaginary potential in yourself when you really drag rollers for armless teammates. I won't lie, there are some good players, usually not on your team, but they still exist.

3. In case of any suspicious death, you blame your opponents for cheating, this is a fact, although sometimes you yourself give out VAC moments, after which you sit in shock.

4. There is a charm to playing with friends. Then you hear how your whole team is on fire in discord, or everyone praises each other if the skating rink is in your favor. It is also important that if you are left alone to clutch, then a party starts with your friends on discord :)

5. The strangest ranking system in the entire gaming industry. Either you drag, always being in 1-2 place in the score table and you are not promoted even for a win streak of 5-10 games, or you do not enter the game for a month or more, then you come back, start the game, play like the last scum, if you are in last place, but you still somehow magically win the game, you are immediately promoted (this is a small life hack for those who want to upgrade their rank, tested several times on themselves).

6. There are more Turks and Poles than people on the planet. But lately I’ve started noticing them less often, and I’m grateful for that. I have nothing against them, but I mostly came across inadequate ones.

Result: a typical team-based online shooter, which has both negative and positive emotions :)

10 / 10
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7 / 10
9 / 10
Sound and Music
8 / 10
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