The game takes place in a dystopian future. The main character is a frightened and lonely teenager who is trying to free humanity from the oppression...
Nihilumbra is a platform puzzle game developed by BeautiFun Games that will take you into a world of unusual adventures and abstract inclination. You...
Myst 3: Exile is a first-person adventure with puzzle and fantasy game elements from the masters from Presto Studios, Inc.. The game is published by...
Detention is an indie puzzle game with horror elements and a side view. At Greenwood High School, located in a remote mountainous area, two students...
Eyes of Ara is a first-person puzzle adventure game inspired by classic games such as Myst. You have to go to an ancient abandoned castle and unravel...
Nurbits is a musical puzzle game where you take on the role of a sound engineer responsible for producing music with a group of robots. You must fix...
Orphan is a 2D dark platformer with stealth elements and a side view. The main character is an orphan who survived an alien attack on Earth. You have...
Nubarron: The adventure of an unlucky gnome is a side-scrolling adventure puzzle platformer in a fantasy setting where you can fry and burn everyone...
BlackHole is a hardcore side-scrolling action platformer with a variety of puzzles in a sci-fi setting. When Ender's spaceship is sucked into a black...
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is a third-person adventure with puzzle elements from developers Lucasfilm Games LLC. The game is published by...
Frostrune is a free-to-play point and click adventure based on Norse mythology. The game begins with you being shipwrecked and washed up on a desert...