Super Monkey Ball Adventure is a third-person arcade game with a mixture of action, platformer and puzzle from the developers of Travelers Tales (Uk...
Shining Force EXA is a third-person role-playing game with a mixture of action, strategy, puzzle and anime/manga games from developers from Neverland...
Gift (2001) is a third-person arcade game with action, shooter and puzzle elements from the Eko Software SARL studio. The main publisher of the game...
Chulip is a third-person RPG with adventure and puzzle elements from the masters at Punchline. The game is published by Natsume, Inc.. The PC version...
Knight Rider 2: The Game is a third-person shooter with a mixture of racing and puzzles from developers from the studios Davilex Games B.V. and Media...
Bomberman Hardball is an arcade game with a mixture of action, puzzle and browser-based or mini-game from the studio Hudson Entertainment, Inc.. The...
Pinocchio (2007) is a strategy game with puzzle and card game elements from the developers of the studio Aqua Pacific Ltd.. The main publisher of the...
Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom is a third-person arcade game with a dash of action, platformer and puzzle from the masters at Data Design Interactive Ltd...
Jackie Chan Adventures is a third-person action game with a mixture of fighting, platforming, music, puzzle, sports and card game from the masters at...