The game takes place in the 19th century. A botanical scientist named Arabella Green explores a huge mansion and its surrounding grounds. You need to...
Old Man's Journey is a side-scrolling puzzle-platformer adventure that puts you in the role of the titular old man as he travels to various locations...
A cute puzzle in which you need to look for cats in pictures. The player moves through a six-story building, examines the interiors of the rooms and...
LumbearJack is an exciting action game with an isometric camera view about a bear with an axe. Jack is a humble bear with a simple dream: to restore...
The main character is a young photographer named Day. One day he noticed something strange in one of the photographs that his mother left behind, and...
Game released: Xbox Series X/S → 12 September 2023
The game takes place in a dystopian future. The main character is a frightened and lonely teenager who is trying to free humanity from the oppression...
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania is a remaster of the exciting third-person arcade game in the Super Monkey Ball series. Expect 300 recreated labyrinth...
A game with educational elements on the theme of Japanese cuisine. The player arranges lunches in bento boxes, repeating recipes, and follows a cute...
CrossCode is a top-down action RPG in a fantasy style. This game combines SNES-style 16-bit graphics with smooth physics, a fast-paced combat system...
Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins is an indie horror adventure in the style of a visual novel with fantasy elements. Building on the horrifying legacy...
Morkredd is a co-op puzzle adventure with an isometric camera view. In the game you will have to answer the call of the Sphere together with a friend...
Chefy-Chef is an action-adventure game with puzzle elements in the fantasy and retro genre. Pineapple and radish salad is Chef's favorite dish. Once...
Mask of Mists is an action-adventure game with a first-person view and various puzzles. You will explore fabulous locations full of magical artifacts...
The game is about a great journey and self-discovery. The main character is an aspiring sorceress Potata, who sets off on her dream adventure. As she...