Ooo. How crazy this game is, in it you can realize almost all the fantasies of a maniac and immoral person. Lots of dark humor and breaking the 4th wall. This can only happen in postal. Ever wanted to put a cat on an m4 barrel? pfft, it’s easy, but they’ll inhale catnip and how can you see the world in slow motion in that scene from new people x? no problem. Well, either another fat feminist, excuse me, piss on and chop off his head, or a cop until he starts vomiting, while an ordinary passer-by will jump for joy at the sight of such a picture. Overall the game is very fun, even if you replay it now, you can get a dose of fun. The variety of missions makes the game exciting because you can complete it without killing anyone, or you can clear out everyone and everything, and even after so m… Read full