Games Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Mixed All reviews

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I’m wondering if there was any hype around it as “an exclusive worthy of buying a console”? If so, I don’t share it at all. Yes, the game brought very lively dialogues and a spirit of adventure when everything with Lara turned into a farce, but there is less of this element in the game than we would like. But there is a sea of ​​mediocre shooting.

While I was playing, I remembered how the shooting in the Order was criticized, saying “boring, you don’t feel the enemy well” and I drilled my finger into my temple. Are you serious? She was quite normal there, but in the uncharted there was 1 complete alien. A shot in the head is not a guarantee that it will kill the enemy immediately; when hit by a burst of fire, the enemy begins to dance a jig; 3 shots from the most ordinary pistol kill immedi… Read full

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7.5 / 10