Articles TOP 15 tasks in the Hitman series: murder in St. Petersburg, BDSM party at a meat processing plant, «Red Wedding»

TOP 15 tasks in the Hitman series: murder in St. Petersburg, BDSM party at a meat processing plant, «Red Wedding»

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On January 20, 2021, Hitman 3 was released, where Agent 47 will again have to take the path of cold-blooded murder. Surely, confusing locations, difficult goals and many elegant ways to eliminate them await us. In the meantime, let's remember the best moments in 47's career and get a little nostalgic.

Trade Traditions — Hitman: Codename 47

Already the first game in the series gave us a task that has become a classic. «Trading Traditions» invites us to a fashionable hotel, where on the eve of the UN conference the terrorist brothers are planning to make a «boom».

The level turned out to be large and beautiful: while exploring the bar, sauna, swimming pool, casino and its other elements, it won't take long to get lost. However, do not forget about debt. You can get into the terrorists' room by jumping between the balconies; you can pretend to be service personnel; and one of the scoundrels can be boiled alive in the sauna.

Meet your brother — Hitman: Codename 47

Agent 47 is not an ordinary person, but the result of an experiment by Otto Ortmeier. One day, our anti-hero will visit his «father» with a vendetta for all the atrocities, but deadly rivals will stand in his way. Obviously, Ortmayer did not sit idly by and created new killer clones — Agents 48.

This mission completed the first game in the series, and the final chord was creepy. Killing your own clones with the voice of the «creator» sounding from the loudspeaker is an impressive experience. Having staged the genocide of the 48, we finally get to the mad scientist and take his life. However, if unsuccessful, the player will be shown a dark ending, where Hitman is dragged into a cell for further experiments.

Persecution in St. Petersburg — Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

One of the most memorable missions of Agent 47 took place in the cultural capital of our Motherland. Our target is an ex-KGB general. But we don't know our victim by sight, so we'll have to draw conclusions based on scant data: he smokes, he's bald, he's right-handed, he likes to drink.

The mission amuses with its cranberry color: St. Petersburg is hit by a blizzard, residents wander around in hats with earflaps, and the Orthodox church with golden domes stands out against the background of monotonous concrete boxes. It's even a pity that the hired killer doesn't have time to visit the sights.

Anathema — Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

In the «Anathema» mission, perhaps for the first time in the series, we were offered a truly large location with an abundance of opportunities to eliminate targets. According to the plot, we are looking for our mentor, and all the threads lead to Villa Borghese, in which, as if in a fortress, an influential mafioso awaits his fate.

Obstacles will include high walls, an army of bodyguards, and paranoid caution of the target. In this case, you need to be very careful, because in case of alarm, the mafia will immediately kill 47's mentor. However, the guards are accustomed to the fact that guests often come to the Don, so the Agent will definitely find a loophole. You can dress up as a postman, a food delivery person, or, best of all, a security guard, so that at the right moment you can deliver a fatal blow.

The Meat King's Party — Hitman: Contracts

Of course, Agent 47's profession cannot be justified under any circumstances, but some of his goals really do not deserve the right to life. This also applies to Campbell Sturrock, a maniac and owner of a large slaughterhouse. The fact is that a bandit kidnapped the daughter of our customer, and we need to find her and at the same time punish the bad guys.

The scene will be a meat processing plant, where a closed BDSM party is taking place right in the middle of the meat carcasses. There is a lot of security, there are inspection points everywhere — it is almost impossible to bring weapons. But our goal is never against having a snack. This means you can dress up as a kitchen worker, put a delicious chicken on a tray, and hide the knife right in it...

Beldingford Manor — Hitman: Contracts

This time our targets will again be real devils in human form: Winston and Alistair Beldingford — noble people who love hunting. But they've long been tired of shooting game, so they kidnap people and hunt them with passion. Our customer asks us to save another victim of the sadists, and at the same time impose a death sentence on the family.

We will carry out our deadly deeds in an ancient estate, which would be an excellent location for horror: floorboards creak, secret passages beckon with the unknown, and a thunderstorm rages outside the windows. There are many ways to deal with villains: you can simply strangle the Beldingfords, add poison to whiskey, plant explosives, and so on. In any case, the scum will get what they deserve.

Behind the Scenes — Hitman: Blood Money

Many gamers call Blood Money the best game in the series, and the mission «Behind the Scenes» its best location. One of the targets of our task will be the famous opera singer Alvaro D'Alvade, but he is famous not only for his vocal abilities, but also for his sinful love for teenagers. The easiest way to eliminate such a scoundrel is right at the rehearsal at the Paris Opera House.

There are many ways to rid the world of the singer, but the most elegant one will leave Agent 47 above all suspicion. On stage, Alvaro gets used to the role of the hero of the opera «Tosca», where he tried to fake his death by replacing a real pistol with a dummy. What if you exchange theatrical weapons for real ones? During the rehearsal, Alvaro's partner points a gun at him, pulls the trigger, and our target falls dead. While those present are trying to understand what happened, the killer calmly leaves the crime scene. A curtain.

Murder of Crows — Hitman: Blood Money

Another task from the legendary Blood Money will place us in the very center of the Mardi Gras carnival. The main task will be to protect the US Secretary of the Interior, whose head is being hunted by three killers. But how can you find them and silently eliminate them if there are huge crowds of people everywhere?

The most successful way to eliminate loser mercenaries is to wear a ridiculous bird outfit. Our targets wear the same funny costumes, which means it will be easier to get close to them. You don't have to make a joke: drop a piano on the first killer, push the second one off the balcony, give the third a case with payment from the customer, having previously placed explosives there. So the next case ends in success.

Till death do us part — Hitman: Blood Money

Many people have forgotten about it, but Agent 47 organized the «red wedding» long before Game of Thrones. Unfortunately, the bride chose the wrong match, and now our task is to eliminate the groom and his father right during the celebration.

The groom's father will at some point go to the cemetery to honor someone's memory with stories about the eggheads who kidnapped the Pope. What a pity that the conspiracy theorist's return route goes straight through a lake with alligators. But the groom himself loves sweets very much, and if someone suddenly poisons the cake, it will end in disaster. Well, if you're not in a hurry, then before the murders you can shoot alligators with your guests or even dress up as a priest and hold a ceremony.

King of Chinatown — Hitman: Absolution

Some fans prefer to forget about the existence of Absolution, since this part decided to move away from time-tested gameplay and turn the adventures of 47 into a banal action movie. However, some missions still succeed, and «King of Chinatown» is one of them.

A very crowded location awaits us, where social stealth is revealed to its fullest. There are many ways to take the life of the king of Chinatown, the most elegant of which is poisoning. The victim loves sushi with fugu fish, but everyone knows what will happen if it is not prepared correctly...

Highlight — Hitman

The action of this mission once again takes place in Paris, at a fashion show. Our targets are a Russian oligarch and a model, the leaders of the Iago spy network, which trades in the secrets of the elite. We arrive on a mission when the event is in full swing: music is blaring everywhere, journalists with cameras have gathered in front of the podium, and the halls are crowded with people. But even in such a situation, the Agent will find a way to complete the task and remain undetected.

The most anticipated event of the evening should be the performance of the top model, and at the same time the next spy «Iago», who looks suspiciously like our agent. Why not borrow his clothes and walk the runway? This spectacular move will open the door to a private meeting with one of the targets of our mission. And then it's a matter of technology.

Future World — Hitman

«Future World» is rightly considered the highlight of Hitman 2016. Here we will have to make our way through a beautiful Italian town and find a guarded mansion, where we need to not only eliminate two targets, but also destroy a dangerous virus.

Beautiful location — beautiful solutions. One target can be convinced that she is being haunted by the ghost of her deceased mother, and then a chandelier can be dropped on the poor fellow, and the other can be poisoned, pretending to be a lover. If you want to make the elimination more spectacular, then both victims can die from a shot from an ancient cannon. It is permissible and simple to cut them, after putting on a plague doctor costume. Just a charm, not a mission.

Chasing the Ghost — Hitman 2

In the mission, which takes place in the densely populated Mumbai, the city is portrayed very vividly and the objectives are impressive. The queen of the slums, who considers herself the mistress of the city, a cruel bandit-producer with delusions of grandeur, a famous pirate and a fighter against the system, whom few people know by sight...

To eliminate them, you will have to devote a lot of time to researching locations. We can find out that the Queen of the Slums wants a new dress, which means it's time to try on a tailor's suit, choose the fabric that suits the requirements (and bargain for it at the market) and go to the goal to «take measurements.» But many people don't like the Bollywood producer, so a killer sniper has already taken up residence in one of the buildings. The target wants a portrait from a famous artist, which we will pretend to be, luring the victim to a place where it will be easy for a fellow killer to eliminate him and do the dirty work for us. And a pirate can be identified by becoming a hairdresser, but he is unlikely to survive another haircut.

Another Life — Hitman 2

Another Life immediately captivates you with the atmosphere of a quiet provincial one-story town, where all the neighbors know each other and are not averse to visiting for salt or something else. Alas, we will have to destroy this idyll by delivering two fatal blows: one to the elderly Soviet spy Janus, the second to the chief of his security.

The security guard, by the way, is looking for a new home, and this is an excellent reason to become a realtor. Our target is especially interested in the basement, where there is a secret room with a security system that eliminates uninvited guests. It would be a pity if someone accidentally activates it just at the moment when our target is in the affected area! And the old spy regularly requires medical examination, but they won't just leave us alone with him...

Ark Society — Hitman 2

A lot of work and talent went into the final mission of Hitman 2. The world elite has gathered on the mysterious Shadow Island, among which are our targets — the Washington sisters. Reaching them is a difficult challenge that will put Agent 47's skills to the test.

One of the sisters is holding an important vote, and if we sneak in and speak out against her initiative, the young lady will invite us in for a one-on-one conversation. We won't need another chance. But to meet your second sister, you can take part in an unusual competition: be the first to collect coins scattered around the location or take those already found from other participants. The winner will have to take a lie detector test and either kill one of the targets himself or cause her to have an accident.


Hitman is truly a legendary series, and IO Interactive, like 47 itself, makes virtually no mistakes. Hitman 3 will probably be an excellent game that will give us new locations, unusual goals and ways to eliminate them. And we, the fans, don't ask for more.

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