Anime Dungeon Fighters is a mini-game for Roblox, which includes many elements from different anime. The main idea is to complete story missions and gradually develop the character while clearing various locations with enemies. In this guide, we have collected all the active and valid promo codes for this game.
The game has many tabs and activatable functions, but you are interested in the code activation window in the premium shop. To open it, you need to:
We regularly update the guide monthly and pre-check new promo codes before offering them to our readers. If you have any comments or find errors, please leave a comment.
Active promo codes:
Here you will find a list of promo codes that are no longer valid. You can try to activate them, but keep in mind that using outdated codes is unlikely to yield the desired results.
List of presumably inactive promo codes:
In Anime Dungeon Fighters, there are several categories of promo codes aimed at obtaining currency or crystals, mainly implying a limited validity period or a certain number of activations. If the entered promo code doesn't work, the following reason appears: