Hijutsu Conflict is a mobile game based on the popular anime Naruto. The player controls characters from the series' universe and fights against opponents in various game modes. In this guide, we have compiled all the valid and active promo codes for this game.
To unlock the ability to activate codes, you need to reach profile level 10. After that, you need to follow these steps:
Please note that the guide is updated regularly every month. We check new promo codes before providing them to readers. If you have any comments or find errors, please leave a comment.
Active promo codes:
In this section, you can find outdated promo codes. You can try to activate them, but it is worth noting that using outdated gift codes is unlikely to yield the expected results.
List of presumably inactive promo codes:
Promo codes in Hijutsu Conflict generally imply a limited duration or a certain number of activations. If the entered promo code does not work, the game does not provide an error or incorrect code notification.