Continuation of the series of popular flight simulators Ace Combat. The plot of the game tells about the second continental war, where the player... Read more
F-2A Viper Zero - Aggressor Gray Camouflage.
Three-color camouflage for the F-2 based on skins from the game Ace Combat 6. Includes blank, trigger and NPC options. To install, drop the files to this path /Steam/steamapps/common/ACE COMBAT 7/Game/Content/Paks/~mods
F-2A Viper Zero — Aggressor Grey Camouflage.
Трехцветный камуфляж для F-2 на основе скинов из игры Ace Combat 6. Включает варианты бланка, триггера и NPC. Для установки закиньте файлы по этому пути /Steam/steamapps/common/ACE COMBAT 7/Game/Content/Paks/~mods
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