Continuation of the series of popular flight simulators Ace Combat. The plot of the game tells about the second continental war, where the player... Read more
Su-34 Fullback - Air Superiority Grey.
This mod adds a gray livery to the Su-34 based on the standard F-15C Eagle livery. To install, unpack the archive to this path / Steam / steamapps / common / ACE COMBAT 7 / Game / Content / Paks / ~ mods.
Su-34 Fullback — Air Superiority Grey.
Этот мод добавляет серую окраску для Су-34 созданную на основе стандартной окраски F-15C Eagle. Для установки распакуйте архив по этому пути / Steam / steamapps / common / ACE COMBAT 7 / Game / Content / Paks / ~ mods.
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