Batman: Arkham City is a continuation of the adventure stealth action game with a third-person view, dedicated to Batman. Who is behind the creation... Read more
The Batman(year one replace). A mod based on the Batman movie in which he ventures into Gotham City's underworld when a sadistic killer leaves a trail of mysterious clues in his wake. As evidence begins to close in on home and the scope of the crimin ...
Batman Black Suit (Default Suit). This mod makes Batman's suit black (this suit was based on Spider-Man's classic black suit). Use this with very high graphics settings.
Battle Damage Skin pack. This mod simply adds combat damage to the 1970s and 1970s costumes respectively. Contents: - Battle-damaged Year 1 costume with 2 symbols to choose from. - Battle-damaged 1970s costume with 2 symbols to choose from. - Tor ...