Games Battlefield 4 All reviews Review from parfumer12

A project, in the opinion of many, that at one time gave way to its main competitor, Call of duty ghosts. Let's start in order. In terms of graphics, yes, the game showed a decent, cool picture in its time. I wouldn't say that it was some kind of discovery, but the game looked very decent. In terms of gameplay, it's the same trick. It's a matter of taste. The same ordinary shooting range with a lack of intelligence among the opponents, and the partners also have no more brains. I will highlight the sound component of the game. The sounds of shots, explosions and all special effects are at a good level (here the competitor is significantly inferior). In terms of the plot, well, the cutscene (especially the first one) was a great success, but in my opinion, in Guest the story was more interesting, despite the “difficult” plot choice in the battle. As for the my opinion, this is also a matter of taste. For me the calda will be more interesting. Something else that can be mentioned is destructibility. Here this moment is also captivating (a separate plus).

In the end, I can say that the battle is the same shooting range for an evening with beer. Should I say that the battle has greatly outdone its competitors? Only if it's just a little bit. My attitude is gone and forgotten.

P.s I don’t rate the localization, I moved the slider for the final rating.

8 / 10
9 / 10
6.5 / 10
9 / 10
Sound and Music
9 / 10
7.5 / 10
10 / 10
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