Blade and Sorcery is an exciting action game with a first-person view in a fantasy setting for virtual reality devices HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Valve... Read more
Super Speed (8.4). This mod makes your character 3 times faster than before! To install, extract the downloaded archive into the mods folder.
More Warzones (8.4). Adds 5 new Warzone waves. Warzone II, Warzone III, Warzone I No Friendlies, Warzone II No Friendlies, Warzone III No Friendlies. Features: Warzone II - 10 enemies Warzone III - 15 enemies Warzone # No friendly - no NPCs who ar ...
Unlimited Jump. This mod will make it so that as long as you hold down the jump button, your hero will continue to move upward. It's a healthy and convenient alternative to flying. This mod sets your jumping power to unlimited (well, technically 20 s ...
Fast Forward U7. This mod changes the slow motion feature to fast forward. This makes enemies much faster and more difficult. It's like they're actually trying to kill you instead of hitting you with their sword.
The mod adds a functioning backpack - the bag can be hung on you or held in your hand, or thrown on the floor and used as storage. Things stack on top of each other: the first thing you put in is always the one that comes out last.
The mod turns enemies into zombies - now they will die only after a blow to the brain (cutting off the head or a blow to the head). Until then, after death, they will rise with pale green skin.