Games Call of Duty: Mobile All reviews Review from sabalak_batyr
The review was written while the game was still in development.

I don’t think it will work out at all, and if it does, then playing cold on your phone is not the best way to spend your time.

1. Like all shooters, playing without a mouse will be difficult and inconvenient.

2. Games on the computer haven’t made me very happy lately; I expect less on the phone.

3. The screen is small, the phone heats up, freezes, the picture is not of the best quality. I’d rather play on a computer, seriously, who would play this on a phone?

4. Probably multiplayer can still somehow arouse interest among telephone operators.

Be that as it may, I’m not looking forward to the game. Maybe I’ll play it as a test when it comes out. But I think it won’t last.

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