Conarium is a first-person psychological horror game based on the works of Lovecraft. You play as Frank Gilman, who finds himself in a room filled with strange, pulsating sounds. Patterns of light from an unusual device on the table spread across the walls like a dance of death. All you can remember is that you are at Upuaut, a polar station that is almost at the very South Pole. And now you are already in a deserted place, and something tells you that all this is not good. Realizing that you won’t be able to remember anything, you begin to feel an inexplicable defenselessness in yourself — some familiar, but at the same time alien feeling, as if you do not belong to yourself... You will soon discover that having used this device during the expedition, you died, but they returned somehow different. You begin to be tormented by strange memories of unusual places. You will realize that you have lost something very important and gained something destructive...