Games Deadpool All reviews Review from Jackie

Even though I understood all the problems of the game even before downloading it, it was able to “please” me. Thank the eggs that I didn’t buy it, otherwise I feel sorry for hundreds of dollars for it. Too many problems.

The main problem is Deadpool himself. I've always disliked his interpretation, which is very popular on the Internet, namely: a character who breaks the 4th wall so well that he is able to change the reality around him just for fun. He becomes just a running joke and it's a disgusting move. From the very beginning of the game we know that this is all just a script, that everything is “not for real”, just a production, and even the hero himself reminds us of this with his jokes. In other words, the plot is dead. It exists only for the sake of jokes, of which there are so many per square meter that it is too easy to get bored with them. Personally, I smiled literally a couple of times, most of which simply had to be said when the action diluted this stream of “laughs” for quite a noticeable time.

Speaking of action. To my surprise, the gameplay wasn't that terrible. Yes, it can hardly be called interesting, but it is so simple and inconspicuous that it does not evoke any emotions, including negativity. But he has other problems. I'll start with a small one - the music in moments of battles is most often crap with nondescript guitar cuts. The ambient sound even sounds better when wandering around the laboratory, but any schoolchild can make ambient music. The main problem is that the developers don’t know how much action to give us. Either there is so little of it that the jokes begin to merge into a yawn, then there is enough of it that you forget about the jokes altogether (this has its advantages), but by the end there is simply an indecent amount of it. There are too many enemies, too many skirmishes, and the final battle can be divided into 4 unrealistically drawn-out stages. And just try to say after them that the ending is not a slap in the face. It’s as if they quickly showed you “you’re an asshole” and that’s it. You sit and don’t understand why you suffered.

I didn't like the game. I can’t say “at all,” but even if they offer me a free gift edition, I’ll send it to hell. It is so uneven, unbalanced and a work that does not know what to do with itself, that it itself does not allow one to appreciate the good moments. And we’re not even talking about good jokes, but about the presence of diversity that is quite good for a slasher and tangible love for the character on the part of the developers. In the whole game, I remember most the scene where he was shooting at cardboard boxes in the water park and there were 2 scenes where he was shooting the scientists who experimented on him and created him, as well as shooting the demons flying around his split head. And it’s not to say that the moment is special, it’s just that this is the ONLY attempt to show at least a pinch of Deadpool’s personality without jokes.

2 out of 5

I really wanted to give one. Is it true. This is a very lousy game that would look even better in cartoon format, and it would also be pretty mediocre. But I can’t deny that the gameplay itself didn’t irritate me, it was moderately varied, a couple of jokes and scenes were good, and I was able to complete it. Just for this plus point.

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