Derail Valley is a realistic train driver simulator with first-person view and support for virtual reality helmets. You will be able to control the... Read more
Extra Lights. Turn off the darkness by lighting up the station building and players! No more frustration with workbooks and maps at night. Overhead lights in station buildings now actually emit light so that posters, job brochures, and cars inside ar ...
TrenItalia. Loco 621 in TrenItalia paint finish. Download this skin the same way as any other loco_621 locomotive skin: Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Derail Valley/Mods/SkinManagerMod/Skins/loco_621.
Booklet Organizer. Job brochures appear in neatly organized rows in station buildings. The first row consists of any shunting jobs, and if the Passenger Jobs mod is installed, all passenger jobs appear in the bottom row. Newly created tasks that appe ...
Super8's Derail Valley Liver. Adaptation of Derail Valley TSW2 Super8 livery for DE6. The only real difference is that the side board markings are yellow instead of brown. I've included xcf so it can be changed if needed.
Vito's Containers Skin Pack. Skin pack of containers from various transport companies. The 40ft container textures require too much RAM, I recommend only using about 20 skins at a time, activating too many of them may cause the game to freeze and/or ...
Canadian Pacific (Multimark). Canadian Pacific Multimark liveries for DE6 and SH282. The number boards on DE6 are left blank and the XCF file is provided for numbering and editing.
Custom cab reskin for the de2. Custom cockpit skin for de2. Special two tone chocolate cream interior paint job for de2 with brass handles and white brake blocks and parts based on a British Rail Class 08 0-6-0 shunter, loaded in a separate file for ...
Freightliner Green De2 Livery. Pristine Freightliner green livery for de2 with custom two tone chocolate cream interior with brass throttle, reverse and brake knobs based on British Rail Class 08 0-6-0 Shunter. Starting to work on the heavy weathered ...
Freightliner and EWS Flatcars with 12 Container Skin pack. Primarily a modern skin pack based on British imagery with Frieghtliner and EWS platforms weathered in three versions (Pristine, Light and Heavy), the file also includes 12 unique shipping co ...
Spoornet Class 34. This is a small mod that adds a new livery for the South African Spoornet Class 34 locomotive - GM-EMD GT26MC. The coloring looks great and is highly detailed.
EWS And DB Schenker Hopper cars. The EWS and DB Schenker hopper cars are inspired by British railways. Liveries are available for use with all three hopper car models.
New York Central and Hudson River - Hello Dolly. Skins for SH-282 and passenger cars based on the 1969 train. Installation at this path / Steam / steamapps / common / Derail Valley / Mods / SkinManagerMod / Skins /.