The game turned out to be very worthy, it is in some way a successor to Dead Island, which really lacked an open world, more lively gameplay, because... in those days, developers were rushed by publishers to release the game. At the time of development of the DL, no one put pressure on the developers, and in the end it turned out, as I said at the beginning, worthy, interesting, “reusable” (that is, you can play through the game at least twice).
The game contains zombies that are somewhat similar in characteristics to the zombies in Dead Island, but there are also new ones that are unique in their own way; there is a change of day and night, during which the gameplay changes dramatically; there is an extensive system for leveling up the character and the car (if we also talk about the large DLS), through which you can level up by killing enemies, parkour, and completing various tasks.
The plot is interesting, full of unexpected twists, scary and scary moments. Outside of the plot, you can free up free zones so that there are fewer scary moments during night raids and missions. There are also side quests, some of them reveal the history of some characters, their character, but there is also a place for fun/amusing quests. Both the plot and the side effects can be played in the company of living people, which is not bad for a game like this, I think.
There are also disadvantages, of course, but the one that stuck out to me most of all is that archery is generally inconvenient, arrows fly everywhere even after turning off the auto-aiming of arrows (partially) for this weapon.
As they say, and for good reason, “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times.” The second part will be released soon, I really hope it will surpass the original many times over.