Games Finding Colors All reviews Review from Vingelium Shar

So the idea is this: you are the only white person in the game. The local president, out of nowhere, called on you to “bring back the colors to this world together.” By the way, this is his election slogan, written in different colors on posters at each level. On the way to the color machine, “green” ones (that’s the color of the zombies here) will constantly get in the way.

Gameplay: GG can run, jump, pull himself up(!) and shoot. By the end of the game, you can shoot horizontally, in an arc in the spirit of a mortar, and throw something like a grenade. All supplies are instantly consumed, but are restored themselves after some time. The game is so minimalistic that they didn’t even draw the weapon itself, it’s just that the hero’s hand bends differently.

In total, the game has 20 faceless and monotonous levels, which differ only in the size and number of enemies, and you have to run left and back, right and back and not die along the way... from boredom. The traps here are very so-so - they are more for show. But zombies who can shoot are a real problem: it often happens that they are one step lower than the hero, and therefore they can shoot at the hero, but you cannot shoot at them for the first 10 levels. Yes, there is HP here: 4 hits from zombies - and start the level over.

Searching for colored fragments (just to amuse yourself) and reading notes from the president and non-president in fairly simple English will help you brighten up the gameplay. In the notes from the second half there is even a hint of a certain plot, otherwise they are absolutely useless and look like banter at the expense of the hero. For example, you go through a trap to read a note, and there: “You just saw another type of trap” - well, thanks, otherwise I didn’t understand. I was expecting at least some kind of bonus for my efforts, an intelligible ending... but no. Just the end and credits. In short, it sucks and is a waste for 3-4 hours.

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