Galaxy on Fire 2 — the game follows the adventures of Keith T. Maxwell as he is sent forward in time after his hyperdrive malfunctions, caused... Read more
Author: DELTA10FY F3 - we get 300 asteroid units when drilling F4 - endless money F5 - the load has no weight F6 - max. cargo compartment size 100000 F7 - I haven’t figured it out myself, but there’s something with the asteroids F8 - 99% accuracy w ...
This is a save game where the storyline is completely completed, but the auto-save is a new game where there is a lot of money and some of the achievements are open. So you can play just enjoying the game, in addition to the auto-save, there are save ...
Completed the game. All blueprints, galaxies, gold medals (except for those that are reset when the game is restarted: survivor, public enemy, crazy). Plus a Void ship with the best equipment in the universe!
All medals, all blueprints, the best equipment, weapons, missiles, $7.4 million in the account, earned without cheats, extreme game mode, VoidX ship, saved on the PC version, 100% completion