The game takes place in modern Tokyo. The plot begins at the famous Shibuya pedestrian crossing, when in an instant absolutely all the inhabitants of... Read more
Clarity Reshade.
Simple, no-frills reshade preset. Remove blur, adjust color and add some cinematic effects. Low cost performance. Includes 3 presets: ghostwire_clarity, Ghostwire_clarity_brighter and Ghostwire_clarity_with_eye_adaptation.
Clarity Reshade.
Простая предустановка решейда без излишеств. Удалите размытие, отрегулируйте цвет и добавьте некоторые кинематографические эффекты. Низкая стоимость производительности. Включает 3 пресета: ghostwire_clarity, Ghostwire_clarity_brighter и Ghostwire_clarity_with_eye_adaptation.
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