Graffiti Smash is an isometric action-adventure game in the anime genre. In this dystopian alternate reality, humanity fights for survival against the invasion of a mysterious entity known as "The Arc". The surviving people were forced to take refuge in their last refuge — the fortified city of Babylon. After several generations of expansion, the Arcs radically altered the ecosystem on a global scale, turning much of the planet into monster-infested wilderness. Eventually, “arc-resistant” individuals began to appear. Known as hunters. These brave souls began to venture beyond Babylon in bands, hoping to reclaim some of humanity's lost territories and restore the long-forgotten glories of human civilization.
- Intense battle in field painting;
- Summoning graffiti monsters;
- Wide selection of unique weapon arts;
- Multiplayer PvP and cooperative game modes; — Get loot from idle expeditions;
- Various hunters and weapons.