An action adventure about the legendary archaeologist Indiana Jones. The game takes place in 1937 between the events of the films Raiders of the Lost... Read more
Disable game TAA/anti-aliasing. Does not affect achievements. How to run: Download and unpack the mod, then open the unpacked folder; Select the desired preset and go to the folder, then copy the file(s); Paste the files into the folder w ...
Increases performance and improves input latency. Does not affect achievements. How to run: Download and unpack the mod, then open the unpacked folder; Select the desired preset and go to the folder, then copy the file(s); Paste the files ...
Fix terrible shadows/LOD Pop-In. To work, you just need to add the following line to the end of the configuration file, which is located in the directory where the saves are stored: C:\Users\xxx\Saved Games\MachineGames\TheGreatCircle\base\TheGreat ...
Launches the game instantly, automatically skipping the start videos. Installation: Move the base folder from the archive to the folder with the game Indiana Jones and The Great Circle.