I was really looking forward to this game from the first teaser. On release it turned out to be the disappointment of the year!
the dumbest AI: as soon as you collapse in your arms on the stairs, that’s it, enemy NPCs lose you and vice versa: you run away from their field of view and hide, they find you through objects. DELIRIATION
a direct gunshot hit to the head, even 2 - the enemy rushes on as if nothing had happened, but if you hit him with a shovel or a broom - that’s it, he lies unconscious. DELIRIATION
hammer and other STEAM utensils break during the first 2 hits on the non-writing. (try breaking a hammer on someone's head) RELATIONS
still sky in AAA game at the end of 2024?? rubbish decision.
They made Henry into some kind of feeble old man.
in the end it turned out to be … Read full