Games Jackbox Party Pack 4 All reviews Review from Мистер Штирлиц

What can I say - the game is great in the company of friends.

"Bredovukha" (And "Bredovukha: We know everything about you") - a game about guessing answer options about some events or your friends :D . I personally really liked the game, because you can come up with such interesting and unusual options that it’s amazing.

"Survive on the Internet" is a game about distorting your friends' answers. With the help of the game you can either make friends or lose them. Maybe.

“A Monster Seeks a Monster” - I haven’t played it, I can’t say.

“Punch Championship” - I played, but I didn’t understand the meaning of the game at all. Therefore, I can’t say anything.

"Civic Canvas" - Game about "City Decoration". There you have to draw pictures, then other players complete them, then you, and so on.

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