LEGO Universe — events take place in an alternate universe populated by Lego minifigures. The premise is that many years ago, a team of four minifigures set out on a great journey in search of the last entity of pure imagination: Doctor Overbuild, Duke of Exeter, Hale Storm and Baron Typhonus. Finding it on the mysterious planet Crux, the expedition's greedy magnate, Baron Typhonus, was drawn into the source, merging with it to create a vortex of chaotic dark energy. However, despite Doctor Overbuild plugging the hole, the stress caused Crux to explode into thousands of other worlds. After the incident, the researchers decided to form their own factions: Doctor Overbuild created the Assembly, the Duke of Exeter formed the Guardians, Hael Storm led the Venture League, and the Baron's protégé Wanda Darkflame created Paradox. The factions worked together to create the Nexus Force to destroy Maelstrom and its minions.