Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the continuation of the third-person action-adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man. In the new game, you will take... Read more
Original title: Spider Armor - MK III Suit Slot (Spider-Man Remastered). Adds a slot and icon for the Spider Armor - MK3 suit from the game Spider-Man Remastered.
Ultimate Spider-Man Symbiote Spiderverse Suit V2. This mod replaces the Spiderverse costume with a symbiote costume. Changes: - Improved coloring (more purple) - Improved texturing - Symbiote symbol (now it actually connects at the sides) ...
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit Native 4K (New Slots). This mod adds several new costumes from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 to the game in 4K resolution. New slots are being used.
Original title: Spider-Man (Supreme) Suit Slot (Marvel Contest of Champions MCOC). New suit for the superior Spider-Man. Uses its own costume slot.
Over the shoulder camera. Changes the camera position, like in the Batman Arkham games. The mod is installed using Spider-Man Miles Morales PC Modding Tool.
Classic Suit (Winter) -- Suit Slot -- (Spider-Man Remastered) Custom. This is a port of the classic suit from Spider-Man Remastered, but I've added accessories from the winter suit. Currently, winter accessories are not self-contained, if someone cha ...