Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the continuation of the third-person action-adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man. In the new game, you will take... Read more
Original title: Spider-Man 2099 White Suit Slot (Spider-Man Remastered). Adds a new suit and icon for Spider-Man 2099 in white. Uses its own slot.
Original title: Gwenom (Spider-Gwen) Suit Slot (Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3). This mod adds 2 Gwenom costumes from Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 to the game.
Original title: Complete Spider-Man Remastered Suit Pack (Stark Raimi TASM SCARLET PUNK BAGMAN) PRINCEC23. This mod includes every costume from Spider-Man Remastered as a costume slot. Each costume, which is 47 costumes (45 if you count the 2 that w ...
Original title: Doctor Eggman (Robotnik) -- Suit Slot -- (Sonic the Hedgehog). Adds a costume slot and icon for Dr. Eggman. The evil guy from the Sonic cartoon.
AMAZING SINISTER REALISM RESHADE. This realistic reshade transforms the original look into a more movie accurate look inspired by The Amazing Spider-Man films.
Original title: Spy (TF2) Suit Slot. Includes two versions of the spy: with a mask and without a mask. Both can be installed at the same time.