Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the continuation of the third-person action-adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man. In the new game, you will take... Read more
Original title: Miles Morales Street Wear Suit Slot (Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3). This mod adds a new costume and icon from the game Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.
Spider-Verse Suit Pack (New Suit Slots) - reza825. This mod contains 15 Spider-verse inspired costumes. 1. 2099 Suit (from the cartoon “Across the Universes”) 2. 2099 Suit 3. Advanced suit 4. Far from Home suit 5. No Way Home Final Swing Suit 6. T ...
Chill Day Lighting. New daytime atmosphere, brighter and more colorful, with a new skybox. You can replace the weather: clear, light snow or heavy snow, or all 3 at once.
Original title: Stealth Big Time Suit Slot (Spider-Man Remastered). Adds a slot and icon for the Big Time Stealth suit from the game Spider-Man Remastered.
Original title: Orca's Custom Spider-Woman Port. This mod replaces the homemade costume with a custom Spider-Woman model. some materials on other costumes or textures may be affected; scenes without a mask will look strange.
Champions Suit -- Suit Slot---. Adds a slot for an UNUSED champion costume. The textures on the suit are wrong (it was straight out of the game). Maybe I'll look later.