Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the continuation of the third-person action-adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man. In the new game, you will take... Read more
Prowler Suit Slot (Into the Spider-verse). Adds a slot for the Vagabond costume. You must use the ASC Suit Adder tool for Miles Morales Suit Adder.
Original title: Spider-Verse Prowler Over Prowler. This mod replaces the original Vagabond with his version from the cartoon "Into the Spider-Verse".
Original title: Miles Morales Unmasked (Hooded) Into the Spider-Verse PRINCEC23. Adds a new costume with a jacket, hood and no mask. Uses its own slot.
Original title: Complete MCU Suit Pack (Spider-Man Remastered) TASM NWH FFH ITSV RAIMI PRINCEC23. This mod includes all the Marvel costumes from Spider-Man Remastered in one pack. Some of the already made costumes were completely redesigned to impro ...
Unlock Everything. Unlock costumes, perks, gadgets, skills. No crafting/cost required. Existing saves and new saves. Added Costume Slot Tool/Mod Compatibility Note: The first time you install this mod, your added Costume Slots will be removed. Althou ...