Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the continuation of the third-person action-adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man. In the new game, you will take... Read more
Classic Suit (Winter) -- Suit Slot -- (Spider-Man Remastered) Custom. This is a port of the classic suit from Spider-Man Remastered, but I've added accessories from the winter suit. Currently, winter accessories are not self-contained, if someone cha ...
Into the Spider-Verse Suit (Peter Parker) -- Suit Slot --- (Spider-man Remastered). The effects here make him look maybe even better than in Spider-man Remastered.
USM Inspired Spiderverse (UPDATE v1.1). Retexture of the Spiderverse costume, inspired by the comic book Ultimate Spider-Man costume. v1.1: Made the eyes completely white instead of the standard shiny/reflective colored eyes.
Spider-Cat on all Suits. Adds a backpack with a spider cat to all costumes. There are currently two cats in the real cat suit, I can't do anything about it.
Raimi --- Suit Slot --- Spider-man remastered. This mod adds a new costume from the movie "Spider-Man" with Tobey Maguire to the game. Does not replace original costumes.