Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the continuation of the third-person action-adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man. In the new game, you will take... Read more
Into the Spider-Verse Suit (Peter Parker) -- Suit Slot --- (Spider-man Remastered). The effects here make him look maybe even better than in Spider-man Remastered.
Unlock Everything. Unlock costumes, perks, gadgets, skills. No crafting/cost required. Existing saves and new saves. Added Costume Slot Tool/Mod Compatibility Note: The first time you install this mod, your added Costume Slots will be removed. Althou ...
USM Inspired Spiderverse (UPDATE v1.1). Retexture of the Spiderverse costume, inspired by the comic book Ultimate Spider-Man costume. v1.1: Made the eyes completely white instead of the standard shiny/reflective colored eyes.
Spider-Cat on all Suits. Adds a backpack with a spider cat to all costumes. There are currently two cats in the real cat suit, I can't do anything about it.
Raimi --- Suit Slot --- Spider-man remastered. This mod adds a new costume from the movie "Spider-Man" with Tobey Maguire to the game. Does not replace original costumes.
Ultra HD - Reshade Preset v1.0. This is a simple preset that removes the pinkish tint. Installation: 1 Download Reshade (you can use the latest version). 2 Open Reshade and select the Uncharted app. (u4.exe or tll.exe) (C:/Program Files (x86)/Ste ...