Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the continuation of the third-person action-adventure game Marvel's Spider-Man. In the new game, you will take... Read more
More Crime. This mod reduces the recovery time of crimes, re-enables disabled crimes, and also adds in-app crimes to Free Roam. You may not be notified of a crime when it happens, it's best to scan for crimes and check the HUD icons.
Infinite Camo (Invisibility). Gives you virtually endless camouflage. Activity time is approximately 18 hours, can be turned on and off. Works in or out of combat. When deactivated, it will look like you have no camouflage energy left, but in reality ...
Chill Day Lighting. New daytime atmosphere, brighter and more colorful, with a new skybox. You can replace the weather: clear, light snow or heavy snow, or all 3 at once.
Remove Snow V2. This mod completely removes snow from the city. The author noticed a significant increase in FPS using this. Add Remove Snow V2.mmpcmod to the MMPC Mod Manager, make sure the box is checked, and click Install Mods.
Classic Suit (Winter) -- Suit Slot -- (Spider-Man Remastered) Custom. This is a port of the classic suit from Spider-Man Remastered, but I've added accessories from the winter suit. Currently, winter accessories are not self-contained, if someone cha ...