The game is an indie arcade game with primitive controls and appearance, but it makes you want to go through level after level, no matter how many times you fail.
In general, as a comparison, the game is a kind of analogue of Super Meet Boy, the same “plot”, only instead of the treasured princess, we need to save TVs (!), going through stage after stage and opening new ones appearances (again, an analogue of the new heroes in SMB), hard levels that blow your mind and eat your nerves more and more as you progress.
Pros: something new, although simple, but refreshing in the world of gaming innovations. It allows you to test your nerves again, just killing time, and after completing the level 100%, you feel real moral pleasure.
Cons: No matter how “fresh” the game is, as for me, it’s the same old SMB at the expense of which the developers decided to raise money. I didn’t see anything new, except that you can’t complete the level 100% (for this you need to collect all the mini-TVs that are scattered throughout the map), and by collecting midi-TVs, you can open one of several images (which It doesn’t give you anything in terms of capabilities, it just changes your appearance). The levels are of the same type and I didn’t see much “diversity” from the obstacles in Mechanic Escape.
+ : Good entertainment and a test of your nerves.
- : Poorly done Super Meet Boy take on it.
As for me, the game is not worth the price indicated on steam, because (once again, comparison with SMB) there is no interest in playing a game where the entire “plot” is contained in the 1st picture at the very beginning , where you are a hefty TV, escaping from prison with your smaller brothers, but you fall and you need to collect them and escape AGAIN. The levels are of the same type and do not allow me to feel all the tryhard that I was hoping for. The graphics and controls are quite good, especially for this type of game.