I’ll admit right away, I only played from parts 9 to 11, and this is the only part that “dragged me in”, the only two minuses are the unbalanced “Towers of Time”, which should be fixed soon, and the FUCKING LOCK AT 30 FPS IN THE MENU, CRYPT, FATAL BLOW AND X-RAY!
And I’m happy with the game, many people write that it doesn’t start, etc., but everything is fine for me from the very launch.
upd: the patch that fixed the towers of time completely broke the game, I'm playing as a second Windows user because... I don’t feel shy in Russian, I play in second English.
Constant crashes during loading: either the arena does not load, an error, then a character, then a perk, etc., etc. Krch I am changing my review to negative
upd2: before the release of patch number 6, I played calmly on ultra, after the release of patch 6 I was forced to reduce it to high and then with rare freezes. The second user's problem was not fixed.
Krypt: it became very boring in the crypt, I opened all the locations, opened all the chests 5 times, I need to expand the crypt.