No Man's Sky is an adventure simulator with a first-person view set in a futuristic environment. You will embark on the exploration of outer space... Read more
Trainer creation/update date: 12/29/2020 Trainer language: English Number of functions: 26 During the gameplay, we press the necessary keys (which can be edited) and get the desired result. It may work on a pirated version of the game. Attention: ...
Only lighting. Shadows OFF. Plus FPS. Shadows are disabled. The lighting is not turned off. More FPS with good graphics. The file PIPELINEDEFERRED.BIN is modified.
Colorful Starfields 2.0. Basically this mod improves the star colors (RGB) and transparency (A) to make each one more visible, especially from a distance.
No Exosuit Chambers. With this mod you can remove the Exosuit upgrade chambers to make the game harder and force you to hunt drop pods to get precious new inventory slots. This definitely makes drop capsules valuable again and gives a reason to visit ...
NO MAN'S SKY NO CAMERA SHAKE (3.10) Updated for Next Generation. This mod removes all camera shake effects in NMS 3.10 NextGeneration. To install, simply unzip and go to the GAMEDATA/PCBANKS/MODS folder.
Project Valkyrie - A NMS Overhaul. The game's overhaul primarily focuses on exploration and visuals. Makes thousands of changes to landscape, objects, colors, space and much more. Removed rim lighting, changed texture values, adjusted some post-proce ...
No Fall Damage - ORIGINS PATCH 3.05. This mod removes fall damage (so if you fly very high, you won't take damage when you hit the ground). Installation: 1 Unzip the file. 2 Copy the NoFallDamage.pak file to No Man's Sky / GAMEDATA / PCBANKS / MO ...
G Sandworms. This mod changes the chances of sandworms appearing. It will either stop sandworms, increase them moderately, or increase them greatly.
Base Computer Missions Timer - Updated for 3.05 NMS Origins. This small mod sets the timer for basic computer missions to 5 minutes between missions.
Better Storms Longer Days. This mod makes a number of changes to make storms feel more natural and realistic. As a little added bonus, the author made the atmosphere seen around distant planets in space a little thinner, since it looked too dense in ...