No Man's Sky is an adventure simulator with a first-person view set in a futuristic environment. You will embark on the exploration of outer space... Read more
Num 1 — Unlimited amount of health Num 2 — Unlimited amount of armor Num 3 — Unlimited amount of stamina Num 4 — Unlimited amount of Jet pack Num 5 — Unlimited amount -in grenades Num 6 — Unlimited number of items Num 7 — Unlimited ship health Num 8 ...
Increased Salvage. This mod increases the amount of salvaged data you get from buried technology modules. It includes a lua file so you can update it as needed and change the multipliers to get more or less data recovered.
No Bloom Effect. Bloom seems to be quite strong in NMS for some time now, and since the shaders are almost impossible to edit to reduce the effect, we are left with few options. So this mod simply gets rid of any blooming. Note that it also gets rid ...
More Storage Expansion Modules. Additional storage expansion modules increase the likelihood and number of rewards in the form of multitool storage modules, ships and cargo ships. All settings are fully configurable in the lua script.
Easy Build. Reduces the minimum snap distance. This means you can now place items directly above, in front of, or next to you. You no longer have to step back to place an item.
Bladehawke's Start Slots. Provides the player at start with 48 suit and cargo inventory slots, 48 ship inventory slots, 24 multi-tool slots, 21 ship and cargo equipment slots, and 14 suit equipment slots. Additionally, it unlocks a full 48 tech slo ...
Ship Procedural Lights. All the little glowing lights; old, fake, light rays; instead of a constant yellow color, the different lights will match the main color of the ship. WARNING: This mod may affect the procedural colors of the ship, so a ship ...
Sound Proof Refiner. Makes noisy mineral extractors soundproof. Do you have a huge farm with several processors? Does the noisy sound of the refiner give you headaches? This mod will completely eliminate the sound of the refiner. The Lua script is ...
Free Suit Upgrades. Makes exosuit slot upgrades free and repeatable. However, Free Suit Upgrades is what the name says, upgrading your exosuit costs nothing on the space station and there's no need to fly to countless different systems to upgrade sin ...