Nusantara Online is an MMO action role-playing game with a third-person view in the fantasy genre. It is a movement that seeks to bring Nusantara cultural values into the digital world. The mission of this movement is to preserve, develop and expand the cultural potential of the archipelago so that they can remain relevant in an era of increasingly rapid digital technology.
The movement is aimed at 3 time periods, namely: past (historical), present and future. The past or history is the heritage we have received from the efforts of the ancestors of the Archipelago. Therefore, all forms of cultural wealth inherited from the past should be cherished, maintained, interpreted and contextualized in the present. Currently, the culture of the archipelago is very dynamic. Elements of the local identity of the archipelago have become intermingled with the global identity, so efforts are needed to strengthen the local identity in the global sphere so that it does not disappear and become divorced from its cultural roots. The future is a necessity, so efforts must be made to prepare a cultural relay from the present for future generations.