Planet Zoo is a zoo simulator from the creators of Planet Coaster, Elite Dangerous and Jurassic World Evolution, in which you will manage a zoo... Read more
(1.7) New Species - Drill. Adds Drila as a new species. To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo installation and drag and drop the provided files! Thank you so much for checking out this mod and I hope you'll check out my othe ...
(1.8) Ocellated Turkey - New Species. Add this colorful turkey to your zoo! This guy hasn't been easy and please keep in mind that I'm not 100% happy with this but I can't handle him anymore or I'll break lol so please be kind. Uses the peacock's foo ...
(1.7) Malagasy Horned Crocodile (Voay) - New Species. This extinct horned crocodile from the island of Madagascar appears here for your zoos and prehistoric parks! The model and texture were made by Brett on Discord.
(1.8) Wels Catfish - New Species. This mod will bring one of the biggest catfish to your zoos and aquariums! The model was converted from the game Maneater and has excellent textures.
(1.7) New Species - North African Ostrich. The North African ostrich is now established as a new species. To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo installation and drag and drop the provided files! Thank you so much for checkin ...
(1.8) New Species - White-Blotched River Stingray. An Amazonian delight, the white-spotted river ray, also known as the Xingu river ray, is coming to your zoos and aquariums as a new species. To install, simply locate the "ovldata" folder in your Pla ...
(1.8) New Species - Giant Oceanic Manta Ray. Adds the giant oceanic manta ray as a new species. To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo installation and drag and drop the provided files! Thank you so much for checking out this ...
(1.8) New Species - Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray. The blue-spotted rib-tail stingray catches the eye in any zoo or aquarium as a new species! To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo installation and drag and drop the provided f ...
(1.7) New Species - White-Belted Black and White Ruffed Lemur. The latest subspecies of the black-and-white frilled lemur, the black-and-white frilled lemur, makes its triumphant debut as a new species! To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in ...
(1.7) Great Hammerhead - New Species. This mod brings the biggest hammerhead shark, the Great Hammerhead Shark, to your zoos and aquariums! The model was converted from the game Maneater.
(1.8) Reeve's Pheasant — New species. Add this pheasant to your zoos! As before, keep in mind that this is the best tail I can make at the moment, so keep in mind that it doesn't budge during some animations.
Ursus Spalaeus (Replacement). This mod replaces the grizzly bear with a cave bear. We are working on creating a new look. Its dark coat and scruffy appearance would make a great addition to any park or wildlife refuge as it lived over a wide range.
baikal seal 1.7 (new species). Adds the Baikal seal as a new species, huge credit also goes to giorno for writing this mod for me. I keep hoping you enjoy the first edition of the seal set, my first new species mod uploaded, and my first modified mod ...
(1.7) Shortfin Mako - New Species. This mod adds a short-finned mako shark to the game. Uses model and textures from the game Maneater. The model looks great and is highly detailed.
African Forest Buffalo (1.7 new species). This mod adds the African Forest Buffalo to the game as a new species. It has excellent detail and high-quality textures. The model fits perfectly into the atmosphere of the game.