Planet Zoo is a zoo simulator from the creators of Planet Coaster, Elite Dangerous and Jurassic World Evolution, in which you will manage a zoo... Read more
(1.7) New Species - Blue Whale. This mod adds a blue whale to the game, which is huge! To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo installation and drag and drop the provided files!
(1.7) New Species - Hill's Ruffed Lemur. The Giant Hill Lemur—also known as the Southern Black-and-White Ruffled Lemur—is creeping into your zoo and into your hearts as a new species! To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo in ...
(1.7) New Species - Long-Tailed Goral. A rarity for Korea, the long-tailed goral appeared at the zoo as a new species. To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo installation and drag and drop the provided files!
(1.7) Yellow-bellied Marmot. Add the Yellow-bellied Marmot to your zoo as a new species! Features: - Unique model and texture - Habitat requirements and preferences - Custom images and information in the game UI - Functional education boards - No ...
(1.7) New Species - Anomalocaris. A blast from the Cambrian past! Adds Anomalocaris as a new species to Planet Zoo! To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo installation and drag and drop the provided files!
American Wolverine - New Species (1.7). Includes complete zoopedia, animal research and full play functionality for females, males and cubs. Download the file, extract it and place the folder in your Steam library via: /steamapps/common/Planet Zoo/wi ...
(1.7) New Species - White-Bellied Pangolin. Adds the White-bellied Pangolin, also known as the Tree Pangolin, as a new species for Planet Zoo! To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo installation and drag and drop the provided ...
(1.7) Greenland Shark - New Species. Add the Greenland shark to your zoos! This shark can live for over 500 years, is usually blind and very slow, but that won't stop it from becoming a star in your zoos!
(1.7) New Species - Red Fox. Adds the common red fox as a new species to Planet Zoo! To install, simply locate the ovldata folder in your Planet Zoo installation and drag and drop the provided files!
White-Tailed Deer - New Species (1.7). Adds white-tailed deer to your zoos. Includes complete zoopedia, animal research and full gaming functionality for men, women and teens. Installation at this path /steamapps/common/Planet Zoo/win64/ovldata.
Blackbuck - New Species (1.7). Blackbuck Antelope is here! Bring this stunning Asian ungulate to your zoo and amaze your guests. Installation at this path /steamapps/common/Planet Zoo/win64/ovldata.
Pampas Deer - (1.7). Adds the Pampas Deer, native to the grasslands and savannas of South America, as a new species for your zoo! Includes complete zoopedia, animal studies and sketches, as well as fully functional males, females and juveniles.