The game takes place in the cramped slums of an alternative America, where economic collapse has greatly affected the differences between social... Read more
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Replaces the introductory video with 1 second of inactivity to reduce the time it takes to start the game. Extract the ReadyOrNot_StartupMovie.mp4 file and place it in the Movies folder. Location: /ReadyOrNot/ReadyOrNot/Content/Movies.
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Заменяет вступительное видео на 1 секунду бездействия, чтобы сократить время, необходимое для запуска игры. Извлеките файл ReadyOrNot_StartupMovie.mp4 и поместите его в папку Movies. Расположение: /ReadyOrNot/ReadyOrNot/Content/Movies.
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