Remake of Resident Evil 4 (2005) 2005. The story takes place in 2004, six years after the events of Resident Evil 2. Leon Scott Kennedy, a... Read more
Replaces Ashley's outfits with Valerie's outfits from the game RE: Resistance. Includes all Resistance skins for her default and alt outfits as addons, and the hair is also a separate addon so you can use it on its own (hair strands only). You can a ...
Replaces Leon's Silver Ghost pistol with a modular Heckler & Koch USP. HK USP (default); recreation of the 9mm pistol from Half-Life 2; night sights for each weapon variant; option with match compensator; option with suppression; sil ...
Adds RE Village's Chris Redfield Tactical Turtleneck, Chest Mount and Headset over Leon's RPD Jacket, Shirt, Pinstripe or RPD Suit. An optional replacement for Louis' costume has also been added.