Resident Evil: Resistance is a third-person cooperative action game set in the Resident Evil universe. Gameplay in the format of 4 (survivors... Read more
Eveline RE7 over Valerie. This mod adds Evelyn from Resident Evil 7 to the game. Replaces Valerie. Includes hair physics and facial animation.
(Dead by Daylight) The Legion (Survivor Modpack). This mod replaces Samuel, Tyrone, Becca and Valerie with Frank, Joey, Julie and Becca from the Legion in Dead by Daylight. Comes with user interface and text replacement. The 4 members of the Legion n ...
(Dead by Daylight) Susie Bowers (Valerie). This mod replaces Valerie with Susie Bowers from Legion in Dead by Daylight (last name is my own idea). The user interface and text have also been replaced.
(Dead by Daylight) Julie Kostenko (Becca). This mod replaces Becca with Yulia Kostenko from Legion. The user interface and text have also been replaced.