Opinion on the demo: in general, a fairly dynamic roguelike with a lot of emphasis on dodging (at least for playing magic). It is a collection of mini-arenas with breaks in your village. Although the pixel art is scary and I would like to add more bits to it, even so it is not eye-popping. Russian localization in the form of text is present and it seems to be translated not badly, but there are some mistakes (not critical). From what was announced, a co-op will also be available for the choice of 4 characters, and judging by the size of the arenas, there will still be a jumble on the screen, but the question is how many people this co-op will be for. If there are four people, then it will be like in turtles* there will be 6 characters available per screen and this is clearly too much.
Interesting project, let's see how it goes on release.