The player controls the store. First you need to arrange the retail space by arranging shelves, counters and other interior items. Then you will have... Read more
This mod automatically adds items to the market cart that your customers cannot find in the store. It will automatically add an item to the cart if the customer can't find it and it's not sitting in stock awaiting restocking.
This mod sorts boxes on all storage racks by number of products. To activate, you need to press the Y key. How to run: unpack this path Supermarket Simulator/MLLoader/Mods.
A mod that allows you to transfer items from box to box. How to use: holding an open box in your hands, look at another open box that contains the same item or is empty; use LMB or RMB to move items.
Allows you to move the waste basket wherever you need it. You can move using the right mouse button. It is not recommended to cross to the other side of the street. LeftShift + T = reset trashcan position; LeftShift + P = reset player position ...
F6 to enable/disable Raycast (interaction with objects); F7 to turn PhotoMode on/off (fly using space bar and left knob); F8 to show/hide the user interface. How to launch: unpack this path Supermarket Simulator/BepInEx/plugins.
The more products are presented in one display slot, the greater the maximum number of products customers are likely to purchase. At a maximum, shoppers purchase three times as many items as usual. Simply increasing the number of display spaces is i ...
This mod adds a new pallet to the game, which serves as a showcase and allows you to display large volumes of products to customers. Holds more goods than basic furniture. There are 48 types of products available for use. all toilet paper (3), 8 ...
By default, an additional client appears every 20 minutes of game time. You can change the customer spawn interval in the SimpleCustomerBooster.cfg file (Supermarket Simulator/BepInEx/config).
This mod allows you to put certain items on sale with a 20% discount (or a customizable alternative). This will not attract more customers to the store, but it will attract existing customers to those products. To put an item up for sale at a disco ...
This mod allows you to earn money by throwing a box in the trash. The same will happen if the buyer throws it away. By default, selling a box brings in between $1 and $4, depending on the size.