The player controls the store. First you need to arrange the retail space by arranging shelves, counters and other interior items. Then you will have... Read more
This mod allows you to stop the refills from working by pressing the pause key on your keyboard. The replenishers will finish the task they are currently performing, and then return outside and wait until you unpause. To install you will need Melon ...
Changes the behavior of stock replenishers to reduce the number of half-filled boxes in your storage. Features: when grabbing a box from the rack, instead of the last added box, the one with the least amount of goods will be grabbed; if you h ...
This mod allows you to set personal music in the store, add song lists and customize the sound. The mod is currently in its early stages, so all of this is done using the M key, which pauses and resumes music when pressed, and also automatically ski ...
This mod adds an empty trash feature with a new "Empty Trash" button. You no longer have to delete all products one by one. How to run: unpack BepInEx/Plugins to this path.
Adds Durex condoms to the game. How to run: unpack to this path /Steam/steamapps/common/Supermarket Simulator/BepInEx/plugins/TextureReplacer.
This mod allows you to press the O button (customizable) to disable and enable the entire game UI. Disabling it makes the game almost unplayable, but allows you to take more beautiful screenshots.
Allows you to place signs in your store with inscriptions on which you can indicate anything you want. How to use: By default, pressing F7 to create a new sign anywhere will immediately pause the game and allow you to enter the sign's text in th ...