Tales of Arise is an action-adventure role-playing game with a third-person view in the Tales of series. The game will tell you about the planets... Read more
Gulity Crown Void Sword as Fire Sword. Swaps Fire Sword for Guilty Crown Void Sword in 6 variants. The sword has a special crystal effect and emits a faint light.
REQUEST Sincleaver instead of Reconciler. This is a small mod that replaces Blade of Sin with Uniter of Kingdoms. Installation on this path Tales of Arise / Arise / Content / Paks.
Artoria Watergun. Arturia's water pistol. It has some clipping issues because the animations don't match the model, but it looks good in cutscenes and combat.
Invisible Blazing Sword. Hides the “Burning Sword” behind his back. He is still visible during attacks and in cutscenes. Installation via this path / Tales of Arise / Arise / Content / Paks /.
Alphen Buster Sword. This mod replaces the Sincleaver sword with the sword from the Final Fantasy 7 remake. To install, unpack the archive into the mods folder.
Phantom Sniper (Custom Gun Skins). Reskin of Shionna's weapon in the style of the game Persona 5. To install, unpack the archive into the mods folder.