At one time, after I completed all the parts of Dark souls, I became interested in a game like Salt and Sanctuary, and to be honest, it became a kind of revelation for me. I'm not a big fan of 2D games, much less platformers, but the combination of excellent setting, lore, pictures, mechanics and music has left Salt and Sanctuary in my mind for a long time. The moment I saw Vigil: The Longest Night, I immediately remembered Salt and Sanctuary and immediately had a desire to play it.
In general, this game is not much different, but it feels like it's a Dlc. But despite this, I would still recommend this game, as a hardcore platformer it is still not bad, there are interesting bosses, although for me the difficulty is not enough, even at the highest difficulty level they can be completed in 1-3 times. I was also personally bothered by the design of the design, on the one hand it’s good when there are various branches, but not when there are more than ten of them, sometimes it’s difficult to understand whether I need to go there for the plot or whether there’s just loot there, or maybe there’s a whole new location.
But despite this, the game is really worthy of attention as fans of dark fantasy like Dark souls and fans of various platformers with a ton of mechanics.