Games Watch Dogs All reviews Review from Godless

I, like many, became a victim of my own high expectations, even if they were not just made up, unlike the plot of this game.😉

Let's start with the plot, it really doesn't make much sense, it doesn't catch or touch you at all, just like the main character himself, for the most part you just simply don't care about him. As for the musical accompaniment, it’s not much better than the plot, it’s quite boring, and even starts to infuriate at times. If we talk about the characters in general (not counting our main character), then they are very, very good, we can say that they are the most developed in this game, they are quite emotional, they have their own style, at times they joke, and They joke well. If we talk about the gaming world as a whole, it is also quite good and beautiful in its own way, the work of professionals is visible.

What can we say in the end? Watch Dogs is a game made solely for making money, almost no soul was put into it, Mr. is just a dummy, you don’t sympathize with him, but the game has a very good and interesting world and minor characters, which after all saves the game from even worse ratings.

P.S. I haven’t played part 2 yet, I hope they reworked the plot and it became more interesting and livelier.

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